Slavonski Plesovi Song Words

The Radost Folk Ensemble
Slavonski Plesovi
Song Words
Oj Rastiću
//Oj rastiću šušnjatiOh, rustling oak tree,
 Nauči me igrati. //Teach me to dance
//Ja b'se ćela udatiI would like to marry
 Al' još ne znam igrati. //But I still don't know (how) to dance
//Ajde malo korovaCome little musician
 Deder malo korova. //Uncle little musician
//De posviraj korovaPlay so that
 Da igramo korova. //We dance, musician
//Čaj, čaj čapoveHey, hey, attic laths
 Tavanice rastove. //Ceiling beam of oak
//Jelove gredeThe Pine fences
 da me momci glede. //So the boys look at me
 A oj mista mista mistaA oj mista mista mista
 Reći ću ti nešto smistaI will tell you something right now.
 Kad ti stanem govoritiWhen I am done talking
 Glava će me zabolitiMy head will hurt.
 Ovako se kuća tečeThis is how the house is run
 Na sokaku svako rečeLet everybody know.
 Ovako se kupus gaziThis is how the cabbage is stomped
 Ako ne znaš a ti paziIf you don't know how, pay attention.
 Povračanac to je dobar tanacPovračanac that is a good dance
 Cura momka zove na tavanacThe girl invites the boy to the attic
//Na tavanac pa u svoj kućarac //First to the attic and then to her own house
 Lako ti je namamit' bećaraEasy for you to lure the bachelor
 Tri pogleda više mu ne trebaThree looks, he needs no more
 Lako ti je namamit' bećaraEasy for you to lure the (old) bachelor
 Tri pogleda više mu ne trebaThree looks, he needs no more
Ej 'Grišće Plandovišće
 Ej 'grišće plandovišćeIn the shady play ground
 Sela baba na ognjišćeGrandmother sat by the hearth
 Iverom se počešljalaShe combed her hair with a splinter
 A u jednom namazalaAnd made up her face.
 Skoči kolo tri put pravoThe kolo jumps three times straight ahead
 Da je naše selo zdravoSo that our village is healthy.
 I u selo tri divojkeIn the village there are three girls.
 Jedna moja, jedna tvojaOne is mine, one is yours,
 A treća je kolovodjaAnd the third is the kolo leader.
 Kolovodja sriću moliThe kolo leader prays for luck
 Da se kuća ne oboriSo the house won't fall down.
 Kuća se je oborilaThe house fell down,
 Svega sveta potušilaAll the lights went out.
 Samo jedan ostaOnly one stayed
 Sad bi bilo dosta!Now that will be enough!
Ajde Diko Poskoči (Kolo Žita)
//Ajde diko poskočiHey sweetheart, jump here,
 Poljubi me u oči. //And kiss me on the eyes.
//Samo veselo,But do it merrily
 Nek se čudi sve selo. //Let the whole village be suprised.
//Crni oči dikineMy sweetheart has dark eyes,
 Dika za mnom izgine. //And he will die for me.
//Neka izgine,Let him eat his heart out,
 Bo'me, ima za kime! //By God, I'm worth it!
Tandora (Tandrčak)
//Tan, Tan, Tandora, sjela cura pod ora' //Tandora, the girl sat down beneath a walnut tree
 Sjela cura pa šije prid njom litra rakijeThe girl sat down to sew, a liter of rakija in front of her.
//Tan, Tan, Tandora, nema cura lavora //Tandora, the girl doesn't have a wash basin
 Nema cura kopanje, pa iskala od FranjeThe girl doesn't have a tub to feed pigs so she asked Franje for one.
//Tan, Tan, Tandora, sjela cura pod ora' //Tandora, the girl sat down beneath a walnut tree
 Sjela cura na vreću svi je ljube ja nećuThe girl sat down on a sack, everyone is kissing her, I don't want to.
 A oj na-naranče,Oh, oranges,
 Zeleno čarapče,Green socks,
 A oj na-naranče,Oh, oranges,
 A oj na-naranče.Oh, oranges.
 A oj na-naranče,Oh, oranges,
 Moj pre mili Ranče,My dear Ranče,
 A oj na-naranče,Oh, oranges,
 A oj na-naranče.Oh, oranges.
Valpovačko Kolo
Poskočice & Slavonsko Kolo
Men:Oni tamo priko, ne igraju lipoThose on the other side don't dance so well
 Vidi im se po nogama,You can see by their feet that
 Da ne znaju složit s namaThey don't know how to synchronize(dance) with us
Women:A ti misliš, da ti znašAnd you think that you know so much,
 Što se tako drmusašWhy do you flail around so.
Men:Ajde šuti, stara šušaCome on, shut up you old cow,
 Kad te niko i ne slušaWhen nobody is even listening to you
Women:Ajde šuti, vraže,Hey be still you devil (scoundrel)
 tako se ne kažeThat's no way to talk.
 Iju, iju, iju ju
 Ej al' je lipo naše kolo maloOh, look how nice our kolo is
 Da je veće ne bi ni valjaloWere it bigger, it wouldn't be good
 Da je veće ne bi ni valjal'
Women:Op šiše bitće kišeOh, the rain is coming
 Šoksi kišu begenišuŠoksi are begging for the rain
 Svra gospoda pomrčinuOld people want it dark
 A ja mlada misećinu.But I, young, want the moonshine
Men:Op šiše bitće kišeOh, the rain is coming
 Rekla cura nikad višeThe giril said never again
 A sad opet begenišeAnd now again, she flirts
 Opšaj, curo daj!Girl, gie it up
 Ej koliko se raširilo koloHowever much the kolo is spread out
 Ne možeš me poljubiti loloYou can't kiss me, darling
 Ne možeš me poljubiti lol'
Slavonsko Kolo
 Ej kad zaigra pusta SlavoniaWhen the entire Slavonia begins to dance
 Pod njima se i zemlja uvijaThe earth rolls under its feet
 Pod njima se i zemlja uvi'
 Ej kaže nana ljubila se nijeNana says she's never been kissed
 Ostrila pa zaboravilaShe's grown old and forgotten
 Ostrila pa zaboravi'
 Ej svaka cura voli tamburašaEvery girl loves a tamburica player
 A berdaša ni cura ni snašaBut neither a girl nor a daughter-in-law
 A berdaša ni cura ni sna'
 Ej, ne zna šokac šta je čokoladaA Şokac doesn't know what chocolate is
 Ni gospodin šta je cura mladaNeither does a gentleman know
 Ni gospodin šta je cura mla'
 Ej, kad ja igram a uz diku nisamWhen I'm dancing and not next to my darling
 Čini mi se da u kolu nisamIt seems to me that I'm not in the kolo
 Čini mi se da u kolu nis'
 Ej, sviraj, svirće valda nisi detePlay, musician, you're not a kid are you?
 Istom mi se razigrale peteMy heels are itching to dance
 Istom mi se razigrale pet'
 Ej diko moja priko kola pridjiMy darling come across the circle
 Poljubi me pa opet otidjiKiss me then go away again
 Poljubi me pa opet otidj'
Translations © 2015 Radost Folk Ensemble

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