Makedonski Soborski Igri Song Words

The Radost Folk Ensemble
Makedonski Soborski Igri
Song Words
Prsten Mi Padna Male
///Prsten mi padna (male) /// My ring fell off
 Otade rekaOn the other side of the river
///Otade reka (male) ///On the other side of the river
 Vo pesočinaIn the sand
///Vo pesočina (male) ///In the sand
 Na mesečinaUnder the moon
///Ovčar pomina (male) ///Shepherd passed by
 Toj mi go najdeAnd he found it
//Taksaj mu taksaj, Nešo Promise him, promise, Nešo
 Što ke mu taksaš //What will you promise him?
///I da mu taksam, (male) /// Even to promise him
 Fajde si nema. There's no point
Note: instead of the last verse above, the following verses may be sung.
//Taksaj mu taksaj, Nešo Promise him, promise, Nešo
 Beloto lice //Your white face
//Taksaj mu taksaj, Nešo Promise him, promise, Nešo
 Crnite oči //Your dark eyes
//I da mu taksam, ludo Even to promise him, young man
 Fajde si nema //There's no point
Zurli Treštat na Sred Selo
//Zurli treštat na sred seloZurlas play exuberantly in the village square
 Tapan čuka rum-dum-dum //The tapan plays rum-dum-dum
//Mladi momi i ergeniYoung girls and boys
 Do dve ora vijat //Dance a "double line" dance
//Mladi momi i ergeni
 Do dve ora vijat //
//Ozdol ide star bel dedoFrom down the street comes an old man
 Zasukal mustaki //Turning his mustache up
//Pravo trga na orotoHe is going straight to the dance
 I on da se fati //To dance in the line (with the young boys and girls)
//Pravo trga na oroto
 I on da se fati //
//Go dogleda baba NecaGrandma Neca saw her husband
 Deka dedo igra //Going to dance next the young dancers
//Kade odiš staro aroWhere are you going, you old ugly man?
 Oro daj im grdiš //To dance with the beautiful young dancers
//Kade odiš staro aro
 Oro daj im grdiš //
Translations © 2017 Radost Folk Ensemble