Radost's dancers, singers and musicians carry in their hearts a deep commitment to the folklore we present and a desire to share that love and knowledge with others. Radost offers a unique opportunity for your school to enhance its multicultural curriculum.
Radost will coordinate with your school a program of performances and workshops designed to integrate into your existing classes and educational goals. Some possibilities:
- Show-and-tell with elementary school children;
- Performances catered to the needs of special education students;
- Training in complex Eastern European harmonies for high school choirs.
Photos by Steve Nelson, except as noted

Students from
Moorlands Elementary School second,
third, and sixth grades share their impressions of
week-long residency in their school:
"Dear Radost,
Thanks for teaching us dances...
"My favorite dance was the grapevine dance." - KB & A
"What I liked best about Radost is their outfits." -AR
"You guys taught us some cool dances." - TM
"I liked (decorating) the eggs because I'm half Polish and my mom is 100% Polish." -RW
"I like Radost because I like singing and dancing and trying on the costumes." -K
"I liked the singing because of the different language ...
I thought the songs were very difficult at first, but I got the hang of it and now
I have practically memorized it." -H & PP